Sunday, January 18, 2009

Video Reflection

I feel like the idea of a cost related to use of internet is acutally a good idea. Some subscribers to the internet use it very little but pay the same amount as many who are using the internet much more. Instead of dramatically increasing the price for those who access the internet moderately, the price should decrease for those who rarely use it and increase for those who use it excessively. For the broad majority if users who are moderate, it should remain relitevely the same. I feel like it woud be ideal for all students to have a lap top for use, but feel like it would most likely be excessive. It is true that we need to devote more money into the education of our young people, but this would be a huge cost, and in my opinion, not worth the costs of providing them. I do however feel like more access would be beneficial and that worthwhile programs geared toward individual instruction in technology is essential in todays world. In order to keep up the the trend in our society, it is imperative that we teach our students as much as possible about technology and how it can improve our educational experiences.

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